Risk Analysis
Risk analysis is a systematic identification of hazards and an estimation of these hazards regarding safety, environment and property. The main goal with risk analysis is to identify hazards and proceed to eliminate these hazards.
Risk = consequence × probability
Several directives and standards require the manufacturer, the entrepreneur or the user of sophisticated process equipment or plants to perform risk analysis. The risk analysis is preferably performed in a small group of approximately 5-10 persons.

The quality of the outcome of the risk analysis is highly dependent on the composition of the group and the individual skills within the group. Several different methods can be used when performing risk analysis such as Basic Analysis, What-if, Hazop and FMEA. PROSWECO has performed several risk analyses in the pulp & paper- as well as in the power industry. Risk analysis has been performed, amongst others on Recovery Boilers, Power Boilers, Electrical Boilers and Paper Machines.
The risk analysis often results in changed procedures and instructions, as well as in frequency and type of visual inspections and testing.

Damages following a smelt-water-explosion in a recovery boiler