Fatigue Cracking and Prevention
Fatigue cracking is a phenomenon that occurs in metals due to repeated load, which can lead to failure at loads considerably below the material’s static strength. It is estimated that approximately 80-90% of failures of machineries is caused by fatigue cracking originating in negligence and poor maintenance.

PROSWECO can provide advice in the following areas:
- Adaption of actual design
- Proper design
- Modifications of the design
- Failure investigation
- Determination of root cause
- Repairs of fatigue cracking
- Recommendations, technology and
approach - Assessment of remaining life length
- Recommendations, technology and
- Post treatment of welds
- TIG-dressing
- Grinding
- Pickling
- Shot peeling
- Assessments of efficiency by post treatment
- Fatigue cracking conditions
- Assessments for the conditions of various materials
- Testing and evaluation

Typical rupture surface from fatigue failure